1 session

A light sprinkling to get you started, and to see how your skin responds to the chosen color and technique. Losing a few freckles during healing is normal, but this is a good option if you want to test it out for less commitment.

2 sessions

Completing 2 sessions helps us edit anything that didn’t heal perfect, as well as layer in more freckles to build density and dimension.

4 sessions

For a full face of freckles, or to build dimension with multiple shades of brown, a package of at least 3 sessions if recommended. Additional sessions can be tacked on for details after the package has been completed.


Freckle tattoos are placed on the high points of your face, where the sun would naturally hit you. Done with either a machine or manual method, (sometimes both) faux freckles can create that summery sun-kissed look, but without the sun damage! Pattern and color are customized to each client, and designed to match your skin tone and bone structure for the most natural result. Multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve desired coverage.

Healed results vary depending on oil production, immune system, and placement of the freckles. Some people may see them heal very faint or have some fall out during healing, while others might hold everything and heal more saturated. Because of this variation, we offer freckles in packages of sessions.

If you know you want a lot of freckles (more in one area or a larger area of coverage), then opt for our largest package! For most density, you’ll need to build upon each heal and layer the freckles. For just a light sprinkling on just the nose or cheekbones, one session may be enough, depending on your skin type and healed results.


PACKAGE 1: $250 (1 session)

PACKAGE 2: $450 (2 sessions)

PACKAGE 3: $600 (3 sessions)

Additional sessions after package 3: $150


Please scroll down and click “before you book” so you can determine if you’re a candidate, as well as “what to expect” to get yourself prepared. Aftercare and healing information is below, so look over it if you need to strategically book around travel, planned physical activity, discontinuation of skincare, and avoiding sun and hot water.



The same as freckle tattoos, just less! For just $100, you can have up to 3 beauty marks placed, and we will touch it up if it happens to fall out during healing.


+ What to expect

  • We will design your freckles according to your unique face, and you will have a chance to approve of their location before we begin.
  • Your freckles/beauty marks will appear darker and more bold, and will lighten as they heal.
  • Your skin may be slightly inflamed following the procedure, but should settle within a few hours.
  • It is normal to lose a few freckles during healing. If your healed results are not enough, a package of more treatments may be a better option for your skin type.

+ Aftercare

  • Gently rinse the tattooed area with room temperature water and clean hands. Use a gentle unscented hand soap to help remove any lymphatic fluid.
  • Pat dry, and keep clean and dry until freckles are healed.
  • Avoid makeup on the treated area until scabs have all naturally fallen off.
  • Protect your freckles from steam and direct sunlight during the healing period.

+ Healing schedule

  • Day 1: Freckles will appear dark and bold. Skin may be inflamed and blotchy for a few hours.
  • Days 2-3: Freckles/beauty marks will form scabs.
  • Days 4-5: Scabs will shed naturally. Do NOT pick or peel scabs, as this can lead to loss of pigment.
  • Days 5-7: When scabs are completely gone, you can return to using makeup! Color may look too light.
  • Days 7-28: Truer, more natural color will develop as skin heals over the tattoo.

+ Before you book

  • Do not exercise the day of your appointment or 5 days prior.
  • Avoid blood thinning agents, including caffeine (yes, coffee!) the day of your appointment.
  • You shouldn't book if:
    • You are pregnant or nursing
    • You have rosacea
    • You use Accutane, Retinol/Trentinoin, or exfoliating acids
    • You are diabetic or slow to heal wounds
    • You have large oily pores on your cheeks
    • You plan on using (or have been within the past 6 weeks) anti-aging skincare (retinoids, AHAs or BHAs) near the treated area (within 5 inches).